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Our pricing is based on each individual puppy according to several factors including: size, sex, color, markings, eye color, conformation, genetic (health and color) testing, pedigree, and overall quality. On occasion we will place a puppy that has a mismark, or that is a little older, in a pet only home for less. Prices are estimated and are subject to change depending on the seasonal market and supply and demand. Any combination of the above features will cause the prices to vary, but all of our puppies are loved and make wonderful companions.

These are our STARTING prices. Merles, Blue Eyes, and toys will be priced the highest as they are the most in demand.

MINI AUSSIES (14-17" TALL, 20-35 LBS)

TOY AUSSIES (10-14" TALL, 13-20 LBS)

- TRI: ($2000-$2500)

- MERLE: ($2500 - $3000)

We cannot and do not guarantee adult size and eye color but will have a pretty good idea. We do not hold/allow selection based off of eye color. 

Each puppy is reserved for an individual by the order of deposit and/or full payment received for that specific puppy. For this reason, we require deposit/full payment to hold a puppy. Deposit (Non-Refundable) is $500 and is deducted from the total balance. 

~ Outland Aussies reserve the right to take "First Pick" from any of our litters ~​​


Thank-you for your interest and please contact us if you have any questions!

Navy Modern Easier Payment Poster-2.jpg

(214) 729-2773

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

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